
Price Match Guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

Here is how our price match guarantee works, if you find a better total price on an item from any other retailer we will beat that price by 1% subject to the below review process.

Review Process

  1. We will compare the total price of an item, which will be calculated to include all shipping and handling charges, taxes, and fees. Once the total price is calculated, we will beat the lowest valid competitor’s total price by one percent. We will need documentation of a lower price in order to exercise our Price Match Guarantee. The quotation must address all costs, including shipping, handling, sales tax, and additional fees. Quotations will be accepted by mail, email, or fax, and may contain either the full quotation in print or a link to a competitor’s website where the final price may be ascertained by one of our customer service team members.
  2. We will research the quotation to ensure its validity once documentation has been received. If the total price is better than our advertised price, the customer service team member who is handling your order will adjust the price of the item to reflect the competitor’s total price (as determined by our customer service team member) less one percent.
  3. We reserve the right not to honor a price match if any of the following conditions are met:
    • The competitor does not have the item in stock.
    • The competitor is deemed an unreliable source (e.g., not an authorized dealer or distributor for the manufacturer of the item, not an actively maintained website, etc.).
    • The competitor is deemed not to be a direct competitor (e.g., auction and auction-style sites, including, but not limited to, eBay, penny auction sites, etc.; conglomerate sites, including, but not limited to, Google Products Search, Price Grabber, etc.; or free-for-all directory listing sites, including, but not limited to Craigslist, etc.).
    • The manufacturer of the item has published a price increase within 30 calendar days of the date on which the Price Match Guarantee is exercised.
    • The item we advertise is not an exact match with the competitor’s item (e.g., different model number or SKU, different condition, different age in inventory, different production revision, etc.).
    • The origin or destination address for the item is outside the 48 contiguous United States of America.
    • The competitor’s primary location is outside the 48 contiguous United States of America.
    • The competitor's price is due to a "first-time customer" type discount.
    • Amazon Prime free shipping is considered part of a paid membership and typically can not be matched.
    • The competitor doesn't charge states sales tax or is offering free shipping
  4. If the above conditions are met and we are unable to beat the competitor’s price without taking a loss, we will offer to sell the item at our cost plus shipping.